Here is a letter you can use to follow up with a potential customer.
Gratitude for the meeting and exciting opportunities ahead
Dear [subject name],
I wanted to express my sincere appreciation for the insightful tour yesterday. It was nice to witness firsthand the efficiency and cleanliness of [Enter Business Name] facility, along with the impressive [enter type] services that you offer. It is evident that your team's attention to detail is a key factor in providing top-notch services to your clients and I hope we can partner with you in the future.
I also wanted to follow up on the AZ Money brochure that I left at your company.
AZ Money is based on the ideas presented in the paper known as Microcurrencies (local decentralized monies operating as Bitcoin sidechains). See attached.
AZ Money is intended for every citizen within the borders of the U.S. state known as Arizona (Population approximately 7.3 million). Arizona has multiple communities of individuals working tirelessly to restore and protect individual liberty. That is why Arizona is one of the best locations to fully integrate bitcoin and launch its own local decentralized money.
The importance of using the bitcoin network to secure AZ Money cannot be overstated. With a little education, more state legislatures and congress will understand the benefit of using the bitcoin blockchain. Note, State Senator Wendy Rogers has introduced a bill in Arizona that would make bitcoin legal tender. The proposed legislation aims to recognize Bitcoin as a legal form of currency in Arizona, allowing it to be used to pay for debts, taxes, and other financial obligations. See bill, SB 1341.
There is a natural global trend where power is undergoing constant consolidation and centralization. This direction poses a threat to peace and liberty everywhere. Launching decentralized microcurrencies is a powerful way to buck that trend and AZ Money is helping pave the way for other states to follow.
The launch date of AZ Money corresponds with the 111th anniversary of Arizona statehood, February 14th 2023. AZ Money has been ushered-in via Proof of Work (POW) mining using the same hardware to mine bitcoins. It has no pre-mine, with a max supply of 7,637,625 coins (Max supply was influenced by the current population of Arizona). All coins will be fully distributed after approximately five years. Each coin is divisible by 100,000,000 where these smaller units will be known as Saguaros, with a ticker of SAGZ.
I encourage you to take some time to read the brochure and these attached whitepapers and explore the unique features and benefits of bitcoin and microcurrencies operating as bitcoin sidechains. If you have any questions or would like further clarification, please feel free to reach out. Your insights and feedback would be invaluable as we work towards realizing this vision for the community.
Furthermore, I would appreciate it if you could share the brochure with your colleagues and anyone you know who is fighting to uphold and protect the rights and liberties of Arizona.
Thank you once again for your hospitality during the tour, and I look forward to the possibility of working closely with you soon.
Best regards,
[Name, Email, Phone]